How you design the layout of your garden will impact your experience and the ecosystem around you. Watch how we designed my DREAM Permaculture Garden:
The more natural shapes you incorporate, the greater harmony your garden may obtain. Symbols to consider:
Triangle - Represents the threefold Nature of Existence (heaven/earth/humanity, father/mother/child, mind/body/spirit, etc.)
Square - Union of the four elements: earth. air, fire, and water
Circle - designated space for energy and consciousness. The circle surrounds the central point of creation.
Concentric Circles - Extensions of the central point and meaning behind it. The continuation shows how all things are affected by one another.
Vesica Pisces - The intersection of circles create an overlap representing the crossover of the physical and spiritual worlds.
Yin and Yang - symbol representing Balance. There is no light without dark, no life without death.
Six-Pointed Star - representing the union of opposites: male/female, spirit/matter, heaven/earth, etc.
Cross - Represents the point at which Heaven and Earth meet and the harmony of the two.
If instead of raised beds, which can have their benefits, we used Hugelkultur, a more sustainable bed concept in Permaculture, then there are infinite ways to design a garden to match your intentions.
See how to build a Hugelkulktur bed: